Thursday, August 19, 2010

Observations on Wall Street

1. The stock market is the ocean. Most investors are flotsam and jetsam; simply going whatever direction
the tide dictates.
2. If the "talking heads" continue to babble incoherently about a "double dip", they could well cause it to occur. Stupid lips sink markets.

Big Fish Tails

Recently I learned that the world's record for Red fish (Red drum) is 94 lbs, caught in NC. The state record in FL is 51 lbs. In 1966. fishing on the eastern shore of VA, in two nights my father and I caught 8 Red fish which weighed from 37 to 58 lbs. I caught the big one, and lived in FL at the time Therefore, it is possible that I have caught the largest Red fish of any FL resident. I have photos, and a trophy from the Baltimore Sun as evidence.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Application for Dead Poet's Society---Rejected!

My recent application to The Society was rejected with malice. I was advised that since I failed to die, this alone disqualified me. Additionally, my effort was characterized as half-hearted, at best, and possibly even feigned. I was further advised that I would never become a member unless the following problems with my poetry were rectified.
1. It is insufficiently self-absorbed.
2.It lacks opacity-any marginally literate person can understand it.
3.Gross deficiency in vulgarity-few references to sexual behavior or various bathroom activities.
4.Essentially devoid of profanity-no m-f, f, s, or b words. A few d words will not suffice.